Eldrok India K-12 Summit Coimbatore

28th June, Le Méridien, Coimbatore

About The Summit

Eldrok India K-12 Summit (EIKS) - 2024

Le Méridien, Coimbatore

Summit Registration

Eldrok Team

Welcome Address and Lamp Lighting Ceremony

Gurdeep Aggarwal Director

K-12 Segment - KPIs for Revenue Optimization, Cost Structure Analysis & Strategic Outreach

Keynote Address

Global Ed-Tech Trends - Use of Interactive Learning Tools in Transforming School Education

Panel Discussion 1

Experiential Learning- Global lBest Practices and their implementation inIndia

Key Discussion Points

Transforming Teaching Methodologies leading to Students Holistic Growth Promoting Creativity and Life Skills in Schools Curriculum for Overall Development Increasing Use of Tech Enabled Systems inK-12 Segment to improve K-12 Eco-System Efficiency

Keynote Address 3

Industry Presentation

Industry Presentation

Panel Discussion 2

GlobalBestPractices in Reshaping the Learning Experience through use of Digitalization

Key Discussion Points

Use ofInteractive Tech Tools andDigital Contents inTransforming SchoolEducation GlobalBestPractices inReshaping the Learning Experience through use ofInnovative Technologies

Industry Presentation

Industry Presentation

Panel Discussion 3

Shift in the K-12 Learning Paradigm: Blended, Flipped and Experiential Learning?

Key Discussion Points

Collaborative approaches for redesigning the Curriculum using Innovative learning practices Curriculum Design to enhance learning outcomes using the experience based learning

Industry Presentation

Panel Discussion 4

NEP 2020: Focused Inclusions – Coding, Analytics, Early Childhood and Early Internships

Key Discussion Points

Coding : Integrating Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills from 6th Standard - Pros & Cons Early Childhood: A critical stage for a strong foundation for emotional, social and physical development

Industry Presentation

Industry Presentation

IKA - 23 Service Providers

Recognizing Key Enablers in the Development of Indian K-12 Segment in 21st Century

IKA - 23 School Leaders

Recognizing Front Running Schools in their Respective Categories of Leadership


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